BAYRAMOV Gasham Hajali

Head of the office
BAYRAMOV Gasham Hajali
Tel.: 012/465-65-35 (interior: 206)
Reception day: Monday and Fridays, from15.00 till 18.00
REGULATION of the Office
He was born in Sarajli village of Bolnisi region of Republic of Georgia on January 3, 1952.
In 1968 he finished secondary school and in 1972 he finished Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy named after D. Bunyadzadeh and gained the specialty of “economist”.
From 1972 till 1977 held the positions of economist and senior engineer at The Ministry of Construction Materials Industry system, in 1977-1996 years he worked at different positions from supervisor-inspector to head of the department in the Ministry of Finance.
He was in military service in 1973-1974 years.
In 1996-2007 years he held the positions of head of the department at Chamber of Auditors and director of the department, since 2007 till today he has been working as the head of the Office of Chambers of Auditors.
Since 1999 he is the member of International Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).He got international certificates completing the courses on the themes of “Qualification for professional education” in Netherlands in 2007, “The role of Supreme Audit Institutions in the audit of agriculture” in Austria in 2002, “Social Security Audit” in Germany in 1998, “International principles of accounting and auditing techniques” under the TASIC program in 1997.
On December 27, 2007 he was awarded the title "Honorary auditor " of The Republic of Azerbaijan.
He was awarded with the “Progress” medal by the order №1730 of the President of Azerbaijan Republic “About the awarding of employees and members of the Chamber of Auditors of Azerbaijan Republic with “Progress” medal” dated September 15, 2011.
He is the member of New Azerbaijan Party.
He is married. He has four children.